Sunday, November 06, 2011

Rachel Dahlrumple: The Blog Tour

It's here! Tomorrow, or tonight as the clock turns over Midnight Eastern, Rachel Dahlrumple will finally be available for your reading pleasure!

To celebrate, I'll be busy flitting from blog to blog for the next two weeks, and at the end of two weeks, I'll choose at least one, maybe two -- depending on responses -- winners to receive a tote or mug with the cover for Rachel. Heck, if enough people comment, I might decide to give more! So tell your friends and invite them to come along and play.

Here's the tour schedule:

I'm fresh back in the USA after two weeks in Puerto Vallarta living the good life. I'm ready for a little snow, and lots of Romance! I have many fond memories of Leonardo, Raul, Felix, Luiz, Jesus, Roberto, Ivan, Francisco and Isidro to keep me smiling for a long time to come. Manuel is on my list for playing a little prank on me, but I'll get him back next year!

Looking forward to seeing many friends, new and long time, while blogging my way across the web!

Shea McMaster
Traditional Romance for Modern Women
Like my page and get your name entered a second time in the drawing(s)


amy kennedy said...

Love the title of the book!

Shea McMaster said...

Thank You! I'm a bit surprised at how many folks are saying the same thing. Then again, Rachel is a "cool chick" so maybe I shouldn't be surprised.

Let me know if you like reading it :)
